Monday, October 27, 2008

Socialism and "Dead-Beats"

I think if Obama has any chance to win it's because apparently 50% of the people in the country are skeptical of the kind of capitalism we got going now... Even if Obama wants to just give money to deadbeats that don't work (I think he "revised" his plan to only give the $1000 "wealth redistribution credit" to working folks) I would almost rather he give my money to the deadbeats than any more of my money going to the ultra-rich.... I wonder if in this global economy with the rich in China and Russia for example benefiting from corporate riches over here; if trickle down economics is really working for us. I don't think the rich are really using their wealth to create enough jobs over here. I think the best thing we can do long-term is pour money into early/middle/highschool/college education and get these deadbeats out of the gutter and make America competitive again. We're going to get beat by the developing countries if we rest on our laurels singing patriotic songs about how great we are without making serious adjustments. We don't need to socialize medicine to make it work better, but we might as well give insurance to the deadbeats because they use the ultra-expensive emergency rooms right now anytime they get a scratch, so we all pay for them now anyhow... might as well give them some preventive care and make it cheaper. Nobody (except the deadbeats) wants to just give welfare and handouts to the deadbeats (didn’t Clinton actually do some good here?) but any creative solutions to “bring-up” all of America, to people who are willing to work for it, will benefit all of us! It’s all interconnected, what we have now is not sustainable in my opinion.

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