Saturday, October 11, 2008

my buddy Jonathan rants about the current situation

In 1996 to 2000 the government taxed fairly high, regulated more, the debt was being paid off, and the economy was steadily increasing. By 2008, the government taxed unfairly low, the debt more than doubled, deregulation occurred, the economy collapsed, and 5 years of growth was lost in a matter of months, US torture policy, deterioration of FEMA, Pentagon control of the CIA, a worldwide blunder on terror, return of the cold war, Russian weapons in Venezuala, North Korean and Iranian nukes, and lying campaign invoking fear and division.

So... The level of tax no matter how unfairly distributed does not correlate necessarily to economic prosperity. Pretty soon, you might be paying NO tax, and it will be the Democrats giving you a Bread Line.

I looked into Ayers and ACORN. There is nothing there! It's an absurd scare tactic whose accusations would certainly involve the Justice Department and hefty jail time if the accusations had merit, whereas Palin was found through a formal process to have actually violated policy.

Ayers... You don't necessarily know peoples' backgrounds when you go to sit on a board of directors, and anybody can contribute to your campaign. If somebody was a convicted felon it does not make you partner to their crime. Those organizations are clean and no work toward terrorism was ever performed or else it'd be a different story. Ayers was not active or recognizable as a terrorist nor engaged in anything of the sort during the time that Obama had contact with him.

ACORN... This is an organization that hired under privileged people to go out and sign up other under privileged people for voter registration. Obama was partner to their cause and there's no findings of wrong doing on Obama's part. However some of the under privileged workers would fill in fake names without going out and doing the real work of signing people up. As a result, they got paid for low effort, then they'd quit and take the easy money. There's no evidence of actual election fraud or else it's be a different story. Obama is not directly related to it or else it's be a different story. It is just a case of shady opportunists bending the truth to their own personal advantage. That's the real crime!

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