Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Unchecked communism or unchecked capitalism assist greedy corrupt people in hording and gluttony

Unchecked communism or unchecked capitalism assist greedy corrupt people in hording and gluttony. When people are so poor they can't even feed their families, they'll do anything. This is how communism starts in a country because the poor revolt against the ultra-rich because at that point there is nothing else to lose.
How do we remove regulations and let free-market work properly without allowing the greedy to take advantage of less fortunate? I don't think that letting industries regulate themselves works, and also saying that the consumer will regulate the companies because consumers wont't buy from companies they don't like doesn't work either.
From what I have heard about McCain's health plan and letting insurance companies setup in any state sounds great for the companies and bad for the consumer. Idealistically it sounds great but it actuality I agree that the consumer would get dropped from their employer plan and would have the pre-existing condition crap to worry about when they are out shopping on their own without a group behind them and insurance companies would only do business in the states that had the least regulation.

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